Are you smart enough to complete all 5 levels of Ploy's challenge?

Access management on autopilot

Ploy gives ambitious companies a unified platform to automate identity security, streamline access, and empower teams with self-service requests

SaaS management Workflow Automation Visualization
Sidekick health logoBobsled logoNot on the high street logoEllie mental health logoTimes higher education logoLiberis logoPayfit logoViper IT logoGetwell LogoEvaluagent logoSolidatus LogoComply advantage logo

One platform.

You shouldn't need 18 different tools to manage your employees access to all your cloud resources. You just need Ploy.

Ploy: discover and manage all your SaaS
User Analytics Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template

Unified Identity Dashboard

Gain a holistic view of all employee identities in one place and kiss goodbye outdated spreadsheets.

Ploy: Automate Saas access management
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Automate Employee access

Automate employees access to all your cloud resources, from apps and tools, to groups, distribution lists, Github Repos and AWS resources.

Ploy: secure your SaaS
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Compliance and Security

Keep your identities safe and your company compliant with our automated risk alerting and anomaly detection engine.


Shine a light on Shadow Identities

Discover every account your emplyoee's have created — even the ones they're not telling you about. Ploy spots all the sign-ins, including email and password based sign ins and helps weeds out the duplicates, helping you secure access and protect your companis data.

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Shadow IT detection
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Duplicate SaaS accounts
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SAML + SCIM apps
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SaaS Consolidation
Shadow IT saas discovered
Shadow IT number of apps discovered
SaaS workflow automation

Automate, don't complicate

Ploy's power access engine allows you to completely automate your access and provisioning processes, all with industry standard audit and compliance reporting.

Setup simple and complex access policies, complete with approvers and time based access to ensure the right people have access at the right time.

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Workflow builder
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IdP automation
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Employee onboarding
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Account removal

Lock it all down

Ploy's like a watchful guardian for all your employee identities. It shows you who's got access to what, flags the risky stuff, and helps you keep everything tight and secure without breaking a sweat, ensuring you can get a good nights sleep.

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Risky permissions
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Suspicious apps
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Breach alerts
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Risk identification Risks for SaaS security
Revoke SaaS oauth token

And so much more....

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App Catalog

Ploy has a built in employee app catalog, making it easy for employees to automatically request access to applications and reduce new Shadow IT.

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Offboarding Admin transfer

Detect and transfer admin accounts BEFORE the employee leaves the company. No more chasing credentials from past employees.

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OAuth Token revocation

With one click you can revoke an applications access to your companies data, ensuring it's always safe.

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App utlisation metrics

Remove and monitor unused license from your employees.

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Risk identification

Ploy automatically separates the signal from the noise, alerting you to potential security risks that would have gone undetected

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We're integrated with all the major tools and adding more weekly. If we're missing an integration you need, we'll add it in 2 days.

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Stop chasing employees with DM's and internal forms. Ploy makes it easy to send out quick 1-2 question surveys to properly understand how your employees are using SaaS.

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Security Questionnaires

No longer do you need a different platform - send out security questionnaires to your vendors and collate the answers right in Ploy.

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Member directory

View and manage all your employees SaaS accounts inside Ploy. Want to know which department is using the most SaaS? It's easy with Ploy.

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Account provisioning (Onboarding)

Stop wasting hours a week manually provisioning JML accounts and let Ploy handle it automatically.

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Contract management

Centralise all your SaaS contracts inside Ploy and never be surprised about a renewal again.

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Breach alerts

Get alerts when your employees accounts are found in Breached applications, integrated directly with Have I been Pwned.

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Cut and slice the data anyway you want.

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Custom fields

Ploy let's you create as many custom fields and groups as you want to manage your SaaS stack in a way that makes sense for your business.


Don't believe us?

"Amazing unicorn product"

Ploy’s approach to monitoring SaaS usage is nothing short of revolutionary. Their platform offers an extensive suite of tools and features that provide deep insights into our software usage, user behavior, and system performance. With Ploy, we gained a comprehensive understanding of how our SaaS products are being utilized, allowing us to make data-driven decisions and optimize our offerings effectively.

Siggi Sidekick
Siggi Flygenring
IT Administrator @ Sidekick Health

"Game changing Cybersecurity tool for MSPs to offer in their stack"

Integrating Ploy into our operational framework was remarkably seamless. The platform offered us a centralised, clear visibility of our multifaceted IT environment which has been a game-changer for us, providing much-needed peace of mind. Moreover, the responsiveness and support offered by the Ploy team, throughout this process, were beyond our expectations. They've certainly set a new standard when it comes to working with vendors for MSPs.

Tom Viper IT
Tom Ramirez
Managing Director @ Viper IT Solutions

"Higher visibility, automation and scalability for SaaS monitoring"

Ellie Mental Health has had over 300% headcount growth in the past 2 years. Having Ploy enables my team to identify our riskiest SaaS applications seconds after the risk has been identified. This level of visibility, automation and scalability is critical in ensuring we scale securely and continue to protect our customer’s.

Shawn Elliemental health
Shawn Fredrickson
VP of Information Technology

Want to see what all the hypes about?

For teams

Designed for teams of all sorts and sizes

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Engineering teams

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Engineering Team Top Image - Techflow X Webflow Template
Marketing Team Top Image - Techflow X Webflow Template
Marketing Team Bottom Image - Techflow X Webflow Template
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Marketing teams

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Sales teams

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia desert mollit cillum dolor pariatur enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit.

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Sales Team Top Image - Techflow X Webflow Template