Security Questionnaires

Enhance your vendor risk management with Ploy's comprehensive security questionnaire feature, designed to streamline evaluations, fortify partnerships, and maintain compliance with ease.

Vendor security questionnaires
SaaS security questionnaires custom questions
vendor security questionnaires
Your questionnaire

Customise to your hearts content

Ploy's security questionnaires are completely customisable with the logic required for you to get the information you need from suppliers, including a diverse range of question types and customisation such as supporting file uploads.

Build better relationships

Centralise submissions

Find Ploy's security questionnaires right where you need them, alongside your app database, not lost in shared drives or buried under outdated links. Access the entire history and all versions directly within Ploy, keeping your security assessments organized and easily accessible.

SaaS security questionnaires
SaaS Security questionnaires
Instant insights

A delight for vendors

Forge better relationships with your vendors by giving them a simple platform to complete their security questionnaires as well as the all important not-lose-all-your-answers-if-you-forget-to-save feature.

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