Shine a light on Shadow IT

Can't seem to get a handle on the applications employees are signing up for? Worse, what kinds of data they're sharing with those apps? Ploy brings these apps into the light, giving you complete visibility and peace of mind of exactly what applications your employees are using.

SaaS Shadow IT
Shadow IT number of apps discovered
Complete discovery of SaaS shadow IT

Get the full picture

Discover the full spectrum of your company's SaaS usage with Ploy's powerful detection engine. Dive deep into the shadows and shine a light on unauthorized applications, overlooked permissions, and unexpected integrations.

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No rock left unturned

Ploy's detection engine not only finds OAuth based Shadow IT but also discovers the often ignored email/password sign ups, so your able to know exaclty where your data is being shared.

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Complete visibility

See exactly what you need with Ploys insights and enrichment engine. See what permission that app has, who has granted them, data shared and so much more.

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Risk triaging

Ploy goes one step further and highlights risks with Shadow IT, from worrying applications, to high usage apps growing in the org so you don't have to spend hours sifting through datapoints.


2-click surveys

Discovering Shadow IT is just the start. Next, quickly understand the 'why' behind employee tool choices with Ploy. In just two clicks, launch surveys directly through Slack/Teams to get insights without disrupting workflow. It's seamless, efficient, and employee-approved, making it easier than ever to decide on supporting new tools.

Employee survey shadow it
Shadow IT discovery survey
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Automate your discovery

Stop wasting hours a week chasing employees about app usage and automate survey sending and remediation with Ploy's workflow feature.

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Custom Questions

Ploy lets you create as many custom questions as you want to ensure you can gather the data you need to make informed decisions for your company.

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Custom fields

Save the answers to these questions directly to the application, meaning you don't have to spend hours searching through spreadsheets and DM's. It's all in Ploy.

Shadow IT discovery Agentless setup
Okta Access management integration
Instant insights

Insights in 5 minutes

With Ploy, there is no complicated setup process, no agents to deploy or complex configuration. Integrate your core IdP accounts, sit back and watch the insights fly in.

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Ploy is completely agentless, meaning you can get up and running in under 5 minutes.

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Near realtime scanning

Ploy is continuously scanning your environment in the background, ensuring that and new SaaS and tools are detected in near real-time.

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1 Click integrations

Most of our integrations are a simple 1 click, saving you hours wading through setup docs.

Want to see what all the hypes about?